El cine, la Campaign of Truth y la USIA
El nuevo programa cinematográfico The International Motion Picture Division plays a vital role in the coordinated effort of all elements of USIE to promote better understanding of the United States abroad and to strengthen cooperative international relations. One hundred fifty (150) film libraries in some 90 countries are carrying forward the «Campaign of Truth» to support democratic ideas and institutions in opposition to Communism. […] It is estimated that the world-wide program is currently reaching audiences (theatrical and non-theatrical) at the rate of 400 million persons annually. […] Through such films the United States expresses its willingness to cooperate and encourage other peoples in their efforts to develop for themselves a free way of life, to advance in agriculture, industry and health; to develop better and wider educational opportunities and achieve higher living standards. Another important task of motion pictures is to help keep the record straight on American action in world affairs and conditions in the United States.[4]
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